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Volunteering At Aronson Park and Lakeville Area Arts Center


As a service to and in appreciation of our community the Lakeville Area Garden Club members alongside Kevin Miller, volunteer at Lakeville Veteran's Memorial at Aronson Park and Lakeville Area Arts Center.


The week before Memorial Day, Club Members gather to plant hundreds of red Petunias, white Dusty Millers, and blue Salvia in preparation for the Memorial Day ceremonies held at Aronson Park.


This beautiful project is possible thanks to Kevin and Rhonda Miller and Family, Eisele's Greenhouse, and our Lakeville Area Garden Club who share in the cost of providing the annuals. Mr. Miller has been coordinating the ordering and delivery of the annuals with Eisele’s for the past 18 years! LAGC members started planting flowers in the raised beds about 10 years ago. 


​Throughout the summer through fall, members volunteer their time and energy each week maintaining the Lakeville Area Arts Center garden beds. Through their dedication and hard work, members keep these flower beds a beautiful setting for the community to enjoy! 


General Duties

This location requires watering, weeding, and fertilizing on a weekly basis. As a showcase for our club, let's keep it looking spectacular!


Volunteer slots are for one week beginning on the date volunteers sign up. Please attend to the garden maintenance at least once during your week. Bring pruners, tools for weeding, and a paper bag for weeds, cuttings, etc. All tools must be scrubbed with dishwashing soap and then bleached BEFORE using at the Arts Center.


​The experience is very rewarding and there are many opportunities to share your passion.


"I had a very fun experience tending the Aronson Park flowerbeds..."

Fun Experience!

by Sue W.

I had a very fun experience tending the Aronson Park flowerbeds on Friday this week! There were 100's of people there for a tournament but I figured I would do my tasks anyway.


Well, three boys (1st, 4th and 5th) approached me and started asking all kinds of questions about what I was doing. The 1st grader asked if he could help, and with a lesson on how to trim out spent hosta bloom stems under his belt, he joined me with this task.


Then the two older asked to help! Luckily, I had packed several pruners. Next came a lesson on when and how to trim out spent daylily flower stems and it was off to work for all 4 of us!


They asked flower questions the whole time, worked with me for 30 minutes, and then thanked me when they needed to go!

I smiled the whole way home!

Sue's Experience

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