August 12, 2024 Beautiful Local Gardens Tour and LAGC Member's Garden Tour with Pot Luck Meal*MEMBERS ONLY EVENT*
Mon, Aug 12
|Email with addresses to follow!
Join us for a tour of RaeAnn and Jim O's beautiful gardens in Lakeville, and then wrap up the evening with a garden tour and pot luck at the home of members Joanne and George S's! Sign up Genius for your Meal Contribution is below; RSVP is required.

Time & Location
Aug 12, 2024, 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Email with addresses to follow!
About the Event
We are so very excited that RaeAnn and Jim,  friends of Joanne and George have opened their  Lakeville gardens for our August tour. Following their tour, we will all meet at Joanne and George S's home to tour their  gardens and enjoy a pot-luck meal together!
RaeAnn wrote: Hello to all of my Lakeville gardening enthusiast,
I wanted to introduce myself and let you all know I’m very excited to meet all of you!! I look forward to the gardening tour.
My name is RaeAnn O. and I have lived in the Lakeville area for quite a few years. I have worked as a flight attendant for American Airlines for 40 years now and enjoyed the time off this career has given me so I could always have time for my greatest passion which is  flowers and gardening. I currently live in Lakeville with my husband Jim and I keep him very busy with different projects around the yard that I always seem to think of.
I come from many generations of gardening lovers as my great aunt had a peony farm in Faribault for quite a few years. She purchased the peony farm from brand farms in the 1930s and there are about three different peonies named after my aunt and grandmother.
My favorite family peony was the Myrtle Gentry and it’s a very light pink flower and very fragrant. My happy place is putting together flowerpots during the summer and then also doing fall and winter pots during the holidays. Jim and I have recently had a lot of fun with our vegetable garden and it’s always nice to give family and friends fresh vegetables. During Covid I needed something to do and took on terrariums which I have also had a lot of fun with. There is so much joy, peacefulness and enjoyment that come through gardening as you all know. I have been to your Lakeville garden sale just about every summer and here’s quite a few things around my yard that I planted from your sale!! I can’t wait to hear about all of your garden ventures and like I said I look forward to meeting all of you in August. Have a wonderful day and blessed day in your gardens.
Joanne wrote: I grew up loving to watch the wheat grow on my families farm in Colorado. I am a farm girl. Dirt runs through my veins. When I see a plant rising through the warming spring soil or a bud opening, I’m filled with ecstasy. At 82  I’m so grateful I still am able to get down on my knees and dig. Each year I make plans for adding and rearranging my garden. This my joy.
There are many gardens that are vastly more elaborate then mine but I am most happy to share mine with you and eat and drink to another wonderful summer.
We look forward to a delightful evening together!!
**Make sure to bring your own chair and consider carpooling with members living close to you  to cut down on the number of cars  parking in the neighborhoods. RaeAnn and Joanne's  address will be privately shared only with LAGC members in our monthly newsletter, Monday Peeks, and on our private FB group.**
Schedule for the Evening
3:30-4:45 Volunteers come to  Joanne's to help setting up for the evening's potluck meal. Please feel free to stop by and drop off your meal donations too!
5:00 Members meet at RaeAnn and Jim's home for a garden tour and appetizers. *If you signed up to bring Appetizers, bring them here*Â
5:50-6:30/45 Drive to Joanne and George's home, tour their gardens, and help get everything ready for our potluck meal together.
6:30/45 Â Pot Luck Meal together
8:00ish  Brief LAGC meeting
8:30ish or when the evening wrap up, Volunteers help with take down/clean-up etc
**LAGC will provide compostable silverware, plates, and napkins  and recyclable cups for this event. All food scraps and compostable "trash" will be taken to a Lakeville Organics and Food Waste Disposal site!
Sign Up to Contribute
- Our Sign up this year includes a request for volunteers to come at 3:30/4:00 to help with setting-up  and also for volunteers to help with clean-up when the evening wraps up.
- Â If you will be attending this event, please sign-up to bring one food or beverage item for the meal. Â
- OR if  helping out is your preferred way to contribute, sign-up to help before and/or  after the event together. Â
- OR contribute in both ways Many hands make for light work:-).
Sign-Up to contribute and Volunteer here
Please contact Programs for any questions at