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Flower Show

Pan-O-Prog Flower Show

Background Information

Our annual Flower Show is part of Lakeville's Panorama Of Progress (Pan-O-Prog) city celebration.


It is held this year on Saturday, July 13, 2024 and is a highly anticipated event among many of our members!


All amateur growers are welcome to participate. Read more below for the details and to volunteer or request more information. 

Date and Time

When:  Saturday, July 13, 2024

Where: Phoenix Hall Event Center, 20732 Holt Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044

8:30-10:00 AM - Entries will be received 

10:00-11:00 AM - Judging 

11:00-3:00 PM - The show will be open to the public with voting for the People's Choice Award

3:00-3:15 PM - Awards and photos 

3:15-3:30 PM - Entries may be picked up; unclaimed entries including vases will be donated to a local nursing home.



Ribbons will be awarded by our judges for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each class and for Best of Show. The First Place Winners in each category will receive a $20 gift card from a local greenhouse and the Best of Show and People's Choice will each receive $30 in gift cards from local greenhouses. 

Classes of Plants for Entries

Class I     Annuals and Biennials

Class II    Perennials

Class III   Foliage (Non-Hosta)

Class IV   Flowering Branches and Fruited, coned or berried Branches (not to exceed 28 inches in overall length)

Class V    Bulbs - including lilies, callas, dahlias

Class VI   Miscellaneous - to include vines and others not listed

Class VII  Hosta

Entry Requirements and Process

All  entries must be prepared, labeled and ready to exhibit prior to coming to the Phoenix Hall Event Center. At registration, LAGC members will be available to help with any questions and provide assistance as needed.

  • All classes are open to amateur growers.
  • More than one entry per class is allowed, provided each is a different cultivar, type or color, with a limit of 10 entries per exhibitor.
  • Clear small mouthed containers including plastic water bottles and narrow glass vases are accepted. 
  • Only one stem per container is allowed, multiple blooms are accepted.

  • Foil or plastic wrap may be used if needed to prop the stem. Wiring can be used for vines only.

  • All specimens must be labeled using the entry slip.

  • The specimens (except for pansies and Calla Lilies) must have at least one leaf.

  • No oiling, spray or artificial coloring permitted. No leaves or roots in the water.

   *Click here for a printable version of the requirements


Tips for Preparing your Entry

1. Select blooms/specimens in their prime. Cut a long stem from your garden in the early evening when it is cooler and immediately place it into the water. 
2. With selections still placed in water, trim the stems again to prevent air pockets. It is best to keep in water overnight as this will harden your specimen.

3. On the day of the show, place the entry into a clear small mouthed container with adequate water to cover the end of the stem. Trim off any old blooms, bug eaten or torn leaves, etc. Match the specimen height or trim the stem so that the container is 2/3 the height of the flower. Do NOT cut the anthers of Lilies. Daylilies hold up best if cut the day of the show.

*Click here for a printable version of the tips.


Entry Registration Form
Please print, cut apart, and complete this Entry form with a black ball point pen prior to coming to the Phoenix Hall event Center.

  • Fill in Entry Class with the number and category as listed above

  • Fill in the name/variety of the entry (i.e. Astilbe- Chocolate Shogun) as best you can!

  • If you have a hole punch, punch out the black dot then fold the form above your name so that  your name is not visible, and secure it to your entry with a rubber band.

  • LAGC members will write in the Entry Number at registration and help  with any questions or assistance you may need. 


If you have any questions please Contact Us here. 


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