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Writer's pictureThe Plant Sale Committee

Pan-O-Prog Flower Show is a Great Success!

Updated: Oct 3, 2018

This was a wonderful show! Even with the April snow storm, and a week later 90 degree temperatures, the flowers were a little mixed up. Then there was a lot of rain. Most flowers loved it, but some did not. A few bloomed early and others were late. Some did not bloom at all! I didn't get very many ribbons this year. On purpose, I cut flowers of average popularity, but when I saw my new African Lady Lily - had three stems with many blooms - I could not resist cutting one to show. It won the Best of Show! Beck and I bought one last year, at one of our tours. She loves hers too! Carol Poch won the sweepstakes with two blue ribbons. We had 8 members and 3 non-members enter, 99 entries, 982 votes cast for 6 class' and Best of Show.

Workers: Carol Poch, Lori Peterson, Linda Burman, Virginia Windschitl, Jan Graff, David Freund, DeLaine Phillips, Sue Petersen came to help count the votes. We always can use extra help with the votes and placing of ribbons. Monica Miller worked hard making 3 posters and Award Certificates for all the winners! Becky Swanson decorated her black truck and drove in the parade. It was so much fun@

While we were waiting for Monica to take us to the parade line up area, a man named Greg came in. He was disappointed the show was over. He asked us if we would be willing to play a joke on his wife. He asked us for our first names and said they would be on the bleachers to the right of the Art Center, and as we were driving by, to yell out his name and he would yell ours. He gave us the SPIRIT to last the entire length of the parade! What a HOOT! The expression on everyone's faces was precious! I can't stop smiling about it still! We were pumped--and so were all the kids (SO MANY OF THEM), and they LOVED us!


Your chair,

DeLaine Phillips

Best In Show
DeLaine wins the Best in Show with her African Lady Lily!

So many beautiful entries! Check out just a sampling of all the colorful beauties!

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